Monday, 28 September 2015

Connected Educators Month #cenz15

It's Connected Educators Month (#cenz15) and I've decided to be involved in a few ways. Firstly I am organising the #twitterdinner15 which coincides always with the ULearn conference.  This year it is being held in Auckland, so I volunteered to organise the evening.  It's no small fete organising something like this and having people pre-pay so that you aren't left hanging on the evening with unexpected expenses! I think in the last month most of my tweets have been to promote the evening! I'm looking forward to connecting face to face with many old and new tweeters!

Secondly, I've signed up to be a contibutor to EdBookNZ which is the brain-child of Sonya Van Schaijik.  This year's EdBook is based on unpacking the Practising Teacher Criteria, I'm interested in PTC12 - Teaching as Inquiry.  Below is Sonya's slideshare she presented at EduIgnite recently that explains the collaborative project.

Lastly, I've decided to be part of the #EdBlogNZ challenge, where each week 3 challenges will be posted to blog about.  I'm doing this because I've had an edu-blog for many years and would like to try and create a habit of posting more frequently my reflections about leadership, education and my edu-experiences.  There are three levels of challenges and you can choose any of the activities set from any of the levels - so I'm thinking I might ease into the challenge with this first post!  I'm hoping that I might get some comments and encouragement to make me think deeper or just encouragement to keep trying!


Anonymous said...

Good on you Justine - some BIG commitments there:) I am in a similar situation - the regularity of my blog posts are sporadic! I would not say I am a 'regular' blogger - just blog when I have something to say or reflect on! (And when I have TIME). I look forward to reading and replying to as many #edblognz peeps as possible during #cenz15. Which RTC are you 'doing' for the EdBookNZ?
Good luck with it all:)

Anonymous said...

Whoops - just read this - aroha mai!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kerri, it'll be a challenge along with demands of school, even in the "holidays" I've got a to-do list that I aspire to complete!