Monday, 11 June 2007

The Contagious ICT Bug

Isn't it truly fantastic? Once people start exploring the web and its magnetism, how this energy bites people and spreads.

At school recently, our ICTPD facilitator took a staff meeting on Web2 and the use of educational wikis and blogs. Since then one of our fantastic teachers has created an amazing blog at . The rest of the staff are all busy now working out how to incorporate them into our classrooms - it's great to now have an expert on staff to help us! We were inspired also by the work of Rachel Boyd in her class blog at .

As a staff we are going to change the way we communicate our daily news messages and have set up a wikispace to facilitate this. Recently I was at a seminar day for local school leaders and the presenter said she would email the chairperson and then get her to email us the resources - problem solved ( I set up a wiki for that too!).

The possiblities are endless - it's just being innovative in our thinking and putting it to use without being hung - up with all the red tape... I don't think for a second our "digital natives" are being as cautious as [us] "digital immigrants" to try web2 sharing.

Get the bug - just do it!


Rachel Boyd said...

Hi Justine,

Thanks for the mention. Great to see you have a edublog and are actively sharing your resources... it's fantastic to be able to see what others are doing in their classrooms... we don't do enough of that :)

Cheers, Rachel, Nelson

Simon said...

Web 2.0 tools- They are great... The World of education is flattening out too with you being able to have direct contact with the presentor and share those resources in a meaningful way.

i think it fantastic you school is embrassing wikis etc for school notices. Do you want to come tell my school about it? my throat is getting sore.

Skype id: Dragon09